Visa Types for Saudi Arabia

by | Last updated Apr 7, 2024 | Blog

In this article, we will outline different kinds of visas, their eligibility criteria, and application processes – in order to facilitate your visit smoothly and worry-free.

Your Guide to Visiting the Holy City

Madinah (or Medina in Islam), one of the holiest cities in Islam, is famed for its historical and spiritual significance. Situated within Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Madinah attracts millions of pilgrims and tourists annually from around the globe. If you plan to travel there yourself, it’s essential that you familiarise yourself with its various visa types to make your experience smooth and effortless.

Umrah Visa

The Umrah visa is designed specifically to facilitate pilgrims undertaking the lesser pilgrimage known as Umrah, allowing you to visit Madinah as well as Makkah during this type of lesser pilgrimage. These types of visas are generally granted year-round except during Hajj season when additional restrictions may apply.


You must be an actively practicing Muslim. You should provide proof of booking with a licensed travel agency and female pilgrims under 45 must be accompanied by their Mahram (male relative).

Application Procedure

  1. Contact an Umrah travel agency that specializes in Umrah packages.2. Submit all the required documents such as valid passport, passport-sized photos and an application form to said agency.
  2. Your travel agency will then process your visa application and issue you with an Umrah visa once approved.


Hajj Visa

A Hajj visa is necessary to participate in one of Islam’s Five Pillars: Hajj pilgrimage. While its primary location is Makkah, pilgrims will often stop off in Madinah prior to or following their Hajj rituals to pay respects at Prophet (ﷺ)’s Mosque and pay their respects there.


You must be a practicing Muslim who meets certain eligibility requirements set by their government or Hajj authority in their country to participate in the annual Hajj pilgrimage.

Application Process for Hajj

When you have applied through your Hajj authority or government in your home country, they will facilitate your visa application process if selected and help facilitate that process for you too.

Tourist Visa

Saudi Arabia recently unveiled a tourist visa program designed to promote tourism and allow visitors to explore the country’s rich cultural and historical heritage, including Madinah – its holy city. Tourist visas typically allow multiple entries over a specific duration period.


Tourist visas are available to citizens of specific countries that vary over time and must meet certain criteria, such as possessing a valid passport and enough funds to cover their stay.

Application Procedure

Washburn’s E-Visa Portal or at a Saudi embassy/consulate to apply. Submit the required documents including a passport-sized photo, copy of your passport, and a completed visa application form before paying a visa fee.

Transit Visa

Travelers visiting Saudi Arabia on layover can obtain a transit visa that allows for up to 72-hour stays in the country; this visa type can be helpful when connecting through airports in Madinah or elsewhere in Saudi Arabia.


Travelers must have confirmed onward tickets for their next destination. Visa eligibility will depend upon both your airport of departure and nationality.

Application Procedure

  1. Visit the Saudi Arabian e-visa portal or an embassy/consulate to apply for a transit visa;
  2. Provide all the necessary documents including copies of your passport and confirmed flight tickets as part of your application package.

Madinah holds great spiritual importance for Muslims, and visiting can be life-altering experience. To ensure your trip runs smoothly, it’s crucial to choose the appropriate visa type based on your purpose of travel; whether pilgrimage, leisurely visit or layover. Understanding all available visa options as well as eligibility requirements will enable a smooth journey with reverence to Madinah. Always refer to regulations or guidelines from Saudi Arabia before planning your journey as visa requirements may change over time.


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